Hinen's Household Storage Solution Shines at SOLAR AFRICA 2024, Lighting the Path for Africa's Energy Transition


On the vast continent of Africa, a dual challenge of electricity shortage and population surge exists, yet it also harbors the limitless potential of solar energy as a clean source of power. It is against this backdrop that the SOLAR AFRICA 2024 Nairobi, Kenya, was recently held, bringing together industry elites to unlock the future of green energy in Africa using technology as the key.

Hinen household enrgy storage solution at solar Africa 2024

During the exhibition, Hinen attracted the attention of many visitors with its unique household energy storage solution. In particular, the Base system, an advanced system integrating a 6kW off-grid inverter and a 5kWh low-voltage battery module, was highly rated by industry experts and potential partners for its compatibility with various energy input methods and its ability to seamlessly switch to a backup power source within 10ms.

The Base system's powerful functionality and flexibility became highlights of the exhibition. From the wide range of storage capacity options from 5kWh to 120kWh, to its capability to support up to six inverters working in parallel to achieve a maximum photovoltaic input of 54kW, Hinen's strong technical strength was showcased. Additionally, its unique generator port and remote firmware upgrading feature further enhanced the system's convenience and reliability.

At the exhibition, Hinen received positive feedback and expressions of interest from many partners. This was not only an acknowledgment of Hinen's products and technology but also an expectation for the company's role in the energy transition in Africa. Hinen stated that it would continue to adhere to the energy philosophy of being green, efficient, and sustainable, contributing more wisdom and strength to the energy transition in Africa and globally through technological innovation and industry collaboration.

Looking ahead, Hinen will continue to deeply cultivate the African energy market, keep up with industry trends, increase research and development investment, and continuously launch new energy products and solutions that better meet local needs. Meanwhile, the company's subsidiary established in Kenya will further strengthen localized services and operational efficiency, providing more convenient and efficient support for local customers. Hinen believes that through the combination of technological innovation, industry collaboration, and localization strategies, it will be able to work with more partners to promote the green transformation of the African electricity industry and contribute to building a clean, efficient, and sustainable energy future.